Working onboard Crystal Cruises

Crystal Serenity & Crystal Symphony

SIGNING ON THE SHIPcy_at-sea_side
Immediately upon boarding the ship, you will be required to “sign on” in the Crew Accountant’s office. You will hand in your passport, medical papers & employment agreement. You will receive your crew card. Your crew card is your identification and must be carried with you at all times when going ashore and boarding the ship.

A “Buddy” (a member of your department) will greet you and assist you in picking up you uniform, getting your cabin and safe key from the crew office as well as show you the emergency exits from you cabin and working area. Your “Buddy” will also help you familiarize yourself with the ship prior to sailing and take you to the Safety Meeting where you will receive your emergency card.

When joining one of our ships, it is mandatory that you attend a Safety Meeting for new, returning and newly promoted crewmembers.
As a crewmember onboard, you will be given a job description for your normal duties. In addition to this, all crew members have a duty to perform in event of an emergency.

In order to prepare for a hazardous situation, all crew must attend various emergency drills and special training.

It is the policy of Crystal Cruises that our vessels be operated safely and with maximum concern for the environment. To this end, the use, sale or possession of illegal drugs; the misuse of legal drugs; and the immoderate or unauthorized use of alcohol are specifically forbidden onboard company vessels. Accordingly, Crystal Cruises Incorporated will not employ persons known to use drugs. All new crew members will have to take a drug test within the first 72 hours of joining the ship. All crew members are subject to random drug & alcohol testing.

The official, and therefore mandatory, language on board is English. English should always be spoken in the presence of guests – even when conversing with another crew member. All personnel must have demonstrated a good command of the English language prior to joining the ship. Crystal Cruises will evaluate your competence by conducting the Marlin English test.

Depending on your position onboard, you will have to share cabin with a fellow crew member. All cabins have wall to wall carpet, telephone, TV and bathroom. Limited free space and living together with a fellow crew member may be a new and different experience.
All crew members are expected to maintain a neat and professional appearance. Keeping your cabin clean, orderly and in good condition is everyone’s responsibility.

All meals are served in the Crew/Officers Mess. The meal hours are posted on board. Smoking is not permitted in any of the messes.

There are several self-service washing and drying machines for the use of the crew. Laundering and dry cleaning of uniforms and working clothes will be paid by the company.

In accordance with International Maritime Law, approximately twenty-five per cent of the crew must remain onboard while the vessel is in port for responding to fires and other emergencies. These duties are rotational and assigned by the department heads.

The areas available for leisure time activities include a fitness room, swimming pool, deck for sunbathing and a Crew Bar. At appointed hours you will be able to shop in the ship’s Gift Shop at special crew prices. The Crew Officer in cooperation with an elected Welfare Committee will be arranging crews’ entertainment like films, games, crew parties, soccer games, table tennis and other activities. At the beginning of every cruise, you will receive a Crew Activity Calendar which lists all the upcoming events for the cruise.

In general, sailing periods are between five and six months followed by approximately 2 months vacation. This is based on an established vacation plan worked out by the ship. Provided you follow this vacation plan, you will be guaranteed reengagement. Thereafter the company will pay repatriation expenses to the nearest commercial airport of your place of residence when going on vacation in accordance with the established vacation plan.

Each crew member will receive, free of charge, an OceanPay Visa debit card. This card is yours personally, for life. The OceanPay card account is a US dollar account drawn on a US bank. You will receive your pay via direct deposit (free of charge) in your OceanPay card account each month while you’re working onboard and while on vacation (for those with paid vacation time). You can transfer the money from your OceanPay account to any bank account worldwide, make purchases or pay bills, or just leave the money in the OceanPay account.

Our crew consists of a large number of nationalities and this gives you the opportunity to make lifelong friendships, but it also requires a high degree of patience, consideration and understanding