

Please note that offers for shipboard employment can be made only through the authorized agents listed on this website.

We have recently learned that the fictitious company that refers to itself as “Crystal Cruise Line” and now purports to be located in Hindmarsh, Australia is again emailing individuals and making unauthorized offers of employment on cruise ships operated by Crystal Cruises, Inc. This is a fictitious company, and all offers of employment to work for Crystal Cruises that are purportedly made by this company are fictitious. Crystal Cruises has no connection with this company.

In addition to the email addresses included in our July 2013 notice (see below), the fictitious employment offer emails have also been sent primarily from the e-mail address: by persons using the aliases Mrs. T.H. Kotzee (HR Department) and/or Mr. Howard Greenberg (Assistant Director, HR Department). These emails still appear to be targeting persons who reside in South Africa. Please see our July 2013 notice (below) for more information about this scam.

Please be warned that Crystal Cruise Line, Mrs. T.H. Kotzee and Mr. Howard Greenberg are not authorized to solicit or accept employees on behalf of Crystal Cruises. Any use of Crystal Cruises’ name and trademarks by these persons or entities is not authorized, sanctioned or endorsed by Crystal Cruises.

We also recently learned that a person or persons using the alias “Mr. James Brown, Managing Director” is posing as a representative from the International Cruise Management Agency, and has been purporting to offer employment on cruise ships operated in Oslo, Norway. Although International Cruise Management Agency (ICMA) is an authorized agent of Crystal Cruises, there is no person named James Brown employed by this company, and Crystal Cruises has not authorized any person named James Brown to solicit employment on its behalf. The letters initiating the scam seem to be originating in India or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Please note, ICMA is located in Oslo, Norway. These letters ask the applicant to send “part time processing fees” in order to prevent the job offer from “lapsing.” These letters also state that if the job offer lapses, the applicant will be “responsible for the loss.”

Crystal Cruises does not require prospective employees to pay any processing fees to secure employment on board its ships.

Please be warned that “Mr. James Brown” is not authorized to solicit or accept employees on behalf of Crystal Cruises. Any use of Crystal Cruises or ICMA’s name and trademarks by this person is not authorized, sanctioned or endorsed by Crystal Cruises.

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